Host Your Program Pharmscape Department
- Select - Clinical Pharmacy Oncology Infectious Diseases Nephrology Cardiology Emergency and Critical Care Endocrinology Gastroenterology and Hepatology Pediatrics and Neonatology Geriatrics Clinical Research Vigilance Pharmacogenomics Academic Pharmacy Academic Research International Careers Toxicology Leadership and Professional Development Business and Entrepreneurship Others
Designation at Pharmscape
- Select - Junior Consultant (< 5 Years at Pharmscape) Senior Consultant (> 5 Years at Pharmscape) Head of the Department Advisor
Program Details We don't STOP You! Start creating your program for the scholars.
Type of Program
- Select - Webinar Masterclass Workshop STEM Program Mentorship Certification Course
Program Type
We can break any barriers for Webinar Workshop/Seminar Crash Course | 5 Sessions Certification Program | 10 Sessions Others
Mode of Delivery
We are happy to reach them through Online In-Person Hybrid
Duration of the Program
Choose your Schedule One Day : 1 - 1.5 Hour One Day : 1.5 - 3 Hours One Day : 4 - 6 Hours Weekly Schedule : ( < 3 Sessions) Weekly Schedule : ( 4 - 7 Sessions) Monthly Schedule : ( 4 - 6 Sessions) Monthly Schedule : ( 7 - 12 Sessions) Monthly Schedule : ( 13 - 20 Sessions) Monthly Schedule : ( > 21 Sessions)
Resource and Technical Requirements Complete our logistics services.
Number of Consultants Required Additionally
How many instructors will be involved? 0 1 2 3 3 - 5 5 - 7 7 - 10 10 - 12 More than 12
Customized resources for the Program (From Pharmscape)
References / booklets / lecture resources Yes No
Facilities Needed
Choose the Best Need Online Learning Platforms Lecture Hall Laboratory Others
Certification Type
Choose the Best Need e - Copy | Pharmscape + Institution Affiliation Hard Copy | Pharmscape + Institution Affiliation
Do You Require Pharmscape’s Marketing Assistance?
Choose the Best Need Yes No
Comments/Additional Notes
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